The Morley route makes far more sense based on HS2’s own analysis!
UPDATE: HS2 Ltd now state that they incorrectly labelled the columns; Woodlesford and Morley have been transposed. We would like to see the evidence to support this huge error. This would mean that there are fewer demolitions on the Woodesford route. What else might they have got wrong?!
As many of us have always maintained, LCC are the primary reason LS26 is blighted. The truth is published by HS2 for the first time.
HS2 state (4.5.123 page 104) that the station location was chosen to meet LCC’s aspirations to develop the South Bank, and that this dictated (4.5.135 page 107) the route through Woodlesford.
They try to support this by stating (4.5.133 page 107) that there would be fewer demolitions and less noise compensation by coming via Woodlesford…. however, table 5 (page 108) shows that the Morley route is far more sustainable with far less impact.
47 demolitions on Woodlesford route vs 13 on Morley route! 122 homes needing noise insulation on Woodlesford route vs 39 for Morley!! The list goes on.
As we always said, LCC pushed HS2 into choosing New Street station knowing that Woodlesford would be decimated, that the alternative would have less impact, and that there were less problems to overcome.…/HS2_Phase_2b_Wor…